Selected Publications
Selected Publicationsof articles , interviews, documentaries, of award winning Canadian watercolour landscape artist, musician and traveler David McEown.
Selected Publications and Documentaries
Artists Magazine December 2020
PleinAir Magazine, April- May 2016 Volume 5, Issue 2.
Art for an Oil-Free-Coast - Canada's raincoast at Risk - 2012, David's paintings are featured on page 62/63,
Antarctica DOCUMENTARY, Swiss French Television, translated in 4 languages.
Antarctica watercolours by David McEown - 2014, a collection of ten years of paintings in the White Continent
International Artist Magazine - issue 51 - 10/11.2006, on page 108/117
Mexico - International Watercolor Biennial - 2002-2003
The Liberal newspaper - November 13th 2005, Richmond Hill artist David McEown earned the A.J. Casson medal for his painting "Wave on Stone N.2"
May 21 - October 1, 2006 - Exhibit at "The Varley Art Gallery of Markam"
Diploma collection Canadian Society of painters in Watercolour
Borealis the magazine for Canadian Parks and wilderness - The Temagami 49 - spring 1991